relevance in SEO

Technical relevance in SEO can be defined as all the characteristic elements of a page that contribute to its ranking in the SERPs. Every Google update and adjustment has the potential to impact the technical relevance of a website. In the middle of SEO, it is then a difficult concept to frame. In order to present the technical relevance to you, this article will detail the different elements considered by Google for its referencing.

What are the elements that define technical relevance in SEO?

In SEO, technical relevance refers to the set of factors that contribute to a page’s ranking in the SERPs. These relevance factors are very important elements on which many SEO agencies focus their efforts.

Indeed, mastering the technical factors of a site’s relevance is a skill that effectively makes the difference in the results obtained by web agencies. As such, more than digital marketing agencies, it is the site owners themselves who must take the greatest interest in these relevance factors.

Two different types of ranking elements exist:

internal relevance factors that center around your site such as its content or design;

external relevance factors that focus on elements outside your site such as netlinking.

All of these relevance factors play a role in how your website ranks. The most important, however, are the following technical relevance factors.

In SEO, nothing should ever come before content. When it comes to technical relevance , the content is the first element that must be analyzed. In this regard, priority must be placed on the originality and relevance of the proposed content.

Originality in particular is a criterion that is often overlooked by beginners in content creation. However, this criterion is increasingly important with the passage of time and the popularization of the web. Indeed, for the sake of variety among the search results offered, Google bots favor original content .

Of course, presenting original content should in no way impinge on the quality of the content offered. The objective of an Internet user who searches around a keyword is to satisfy his search intention.

A page that invites the Internet user without offering him satisfaction will lose popularity and decline in the rankings. It is therefore important to refine as much as possible the content presented on a site or page. This not only keeps visitors happy, but also keeps them coming back.

The quality of your net linking

The organization of the net linking of a site is also one of the most important aspects to obtain a place in the rankings. For the technical relevance of a site, digital agencies always work on two fronts. It is not only necessary to dedicate time to the internal meshing of the site, but also to the acquisition of backlinks.

Acquiring good quality backlinks is very important in the ranking of your site. Inbound links from authority sites transfer some of the credibility and authority of the referring domain to your site. Both are important SEO criteria for search engines.

The organization of the internal links of your site also has considerable importance for the relevance of your site. Internal links (internal linking) are the best way to keep a user inside your site. By going up this link thread, your visitor will increase the duration of his visit and the visit rate of your site. Two elements which once again constitute powerful arguments against Google.

Improving the user experience

When it comes to the relevance of your website, investing in improving the user experience is a smart move. Any site that wants to maintain its ranking and become an authority in its field must consider UX.

Attracting people to your site and simply providing them with the answer to their concern may seem cold or mechanical. To provide added value to visitors to your site, navigation on your site must be easy and intuitive. If your site is more attractive to a user, he will not hesitate to choose you rather than another better ranked.

In order to improve your visitors’ browsing experience, you must constantly incorporate the feedback received from your frequent visitors. If you don’t have the skills to make the changes you want, get help from a web design agency.

In a world where everything goes very fast, the page loading time is sometimes more important than the content offered. Internet users do not wait and do not want to wait. Every second of waiting directly affects their ability to enjoy your site and its content.

In addition, a site that takes a long time to load usually has organizational problems. Improving the loading time of your site will very often reveal flaws and hidden internal problems.

It is obvious today that the majority of searches are carried out from a smartphone. All sites are of course accessible on mobile, but few have been optimized for this purpose.

Presenting a flexible and responsive site whose user experience remains as appreciable whether you are on your smartphone or computer is a decisive point.

It is by discovering elements that are so easy to ignore that we realize how easy it is to cover the criteria of technical relevance in SEO. These quality factors are not insurmountable challenges for a site owner.

Far from it, these are tracks in the sand that you have to follow to get closer to your goal. Thus, evaluating the technical relevance in SEO of your site is like comparing yourself to Google’s model of success.

By admin

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